Creative confidence wobble

I had a wobble about creating a controversial piece of art for exhibition; the kneeler. I've put a lot of consideration and heart into the kneeler particularly because it's talking about complicated loaded stuff. Even for me, it feels like a lot to hold, and I]m pretty broad minded and robust.

I feel really grateful because I had a helpful impromptu chat today about it all with Liz and Tom. 

This exhibition is a huge opportunity and I really want to use that platform; the issues I'm referencing need talking about. Indeed not talking about them is a part of how the harms perpetuate. 

We agreed that the phrasing I've chosen is subtle and ambiguous enough to be pre-watershed and appropriate for the gallery context, but that it was still powerful, interestingly nuanced and will have impact. 

As in, might piss some people off. But all political art is inevitably going to piss someone off.
And if people get offended, good. I'm not making art to be polite. I'm making art because I want to and can, it is my drive and joy and privilege to do so. I'm making art informed by my past and current context because I'm not sure there's anything else I can do with it all. I have things I want to explore, to play with and offer up for interaction and examination. Being an artist gives me the platform to do and say these things that otherwise might be constricted or be perceived differently; as in, she's fucking mad. 

So I'm going to be brave, trust myself and let my creative instincts run. Context is all and on reflection I think I am just feeling emotionally sensitive due to a personal family issue rearing it's head this week, and that this transferred into my confidence about the piece. 

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