Pillow line drawings: to be continued...

I think these are effective and would like to make more. 

They feel cartographical. As if you really can read their landscape, and so learn something about the person that interacted with them.

This is about capturing the ephemeral. Photographing my pillows each morning, reducing these to line drawings and then working with them in composition. It works and this concept interests me so much that I definitely want to pushed forward with it at a later point. 

I also want to write this so it really sinks in to my subconscious as an artist; when I first placed the acetate pieces on this Perspex board, instinctively, that was when they were in the best composition. It just worked perfectly. I spent hours trying to contrive a better relationship with them all on that surface and couldn't. I need to trust my ability to just make. To put myself on that board with those pillows, without over thinking it.

I ran out of energy and resource to really explore and realise this section of the installation in a way that matched the production value of the pieces already included. Playing with scale, palette and composition would elevate them.

To be continued...

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