'My friends and other animals' zines

I found an open source zine making tool with loads of cool templates and had a play. Thank you to everyone involved in making it; it's so helpful and also has a really sweet and funny user interface. 

You can have a play yourself and support the project by donating at the link below.

The first layout I made is an 8 page Z-fold.

And the second is called a Tetraflexagon. That's right. TETRAFLEXAGON. 

I did a partial print of my bull screen on the back of the Z-fold zine so it opens to a full sheet piece. This looks really effective and I like the combination of digital and analogue.

I also experimented with scale, creating some A4 pieces and some micro (approx A5).

Here's a QR code link to a little reel I made of the zine:

I found a bunch of other zine making resources too, including this one which has a free download for a zine template: https://goofygeekentertainment.itch.io/how-to-make-a-quarter-size-zine/download/eyJleHBpcmVzIjoxNzM4MDg0NzY3LCJpZCI6NDE2NDg4fQ%3d%3d.1%2fOsWnc6BIdJxesOP6pDjiZmggo%3d

I've fully caught the zine bug and will be making more individually and collaboratively.

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